
Malaysians, you’re officially the biggest plastic consumers.

Malaysians, you’re officially the biggest plastic consumers.

Image credit: Litter Club Project

We are no. 1 in South East Asia

Plastics revolve around our daily lives across various industries. You can be a housewife unwrapping your groceries from a plastic packaging or you could be a storekeeper using a cling film to wrap your goods. According to WWF, Malaysians are the biggest individual consumers of plastic packaging when compared to neighbouring countries such as China, Indonesia, the Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam. 

The report on plastics looked at China, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam - which contribute 60 per cent of the estimated 8 million tonnes of plastic that enter the world’s oceans each year. Malaysia was ranked highest among the six countries analysed in terms of plastic packaging consumption annually per-capita at about 16.8kg per person, followed by Thailand at 15.5kg. Majority of the plastic consumption came from household consumption due to the rising trends in online food deliveries and day-to-day activities such as grocery shopping.

“Towards zero single-use plastics for a cleaner and healthier environment in Malaysia by 2030”

In 2018, MESTECC (now MOSTI) published “Roadmap Towards Zero Single-Use Plastics” which serves as a playbook for Malaysia’s vision towards a more sustainable, cleaner and healthier environment by 2030. This roadmap takes a phased, evidence-based and holistic approach by involving all stakeholders in jointly addressing single-use plastics pollution in Malaysia. One of the phases in the roadmap includes the widespread uptake of compostable packaging as an alternative to single-use plastics in which Circlepac hopes to play a major role in it.

We understand that it is not easy to get rid of single-use plastics from our lives immediately, but it is time to rethink our plastic consumption and switch to more sustainable alternatives. Let’s do our part for our future generation, Malaysia and the dearest planet Earth.

Source: Reuters

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